Windows Maintenance

Perform the tasks below at least monthly to maintain a healthy computer.

Keep Windows Up To Date:

Microsoft is continually creating patches, upgrades and bug fixes for Windows and Office. Using the Windows Update site keep your system up to date and patched. Run Windows Update weekly to keep your system up to date. To access Windows Update via your PC, open Internet Explorer, click Tools » Windows Update. Alternatively, click START » All Programs » Windows Update. Click the Custom button and install all Critical Updates. Use your own discretion whether to install the recommended updates.

Keep Internet Security Up To Date:

Internet Security Suites include AntiVirus, AntiSpyware and a Firewall. We use and recommend Norton Internet Security. Norton protection center requires regular updates to its threat database. Run LiveUpdate weekly to keep your Norton software up to date. To run LiveUpdate, launch Norton and click LiveUpdate. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the update process. Once updated, scan your computer for threats and quarantine or delete anything found. If you have any questions about the findings, please feel free to call us.

Remove Junk Files From The Hard Drive:

Use Disk Cleanup once a week to free your hard drive of unnecessary temporary, cache and junk files. To use it, click START » All Programs » Accessories » System Tools » Disk Cleanup. Once it opens, select items to delete (We don’t recommend compressing old or unused files). Make sure you won’t ever need any of the files in the Recycle Bin before you proceed to emptying it! Click OK to perform the clean up.

Defragment The Hard Drive:

Over time the data that is stored on your Hard Drive becomes fragmented and haphazardly distributed, making it take longer to run programs and find your data. Use Disk Defragmenter at least once a month to reorganize and optimize the location of files on your hard drive. To use it, click START » All Programs » Accessories » System Tools » Disk Defragmenter. Once it opens, select your main hard drive (C:) and click Defragment. It’s OK to minimize the Defrag window and continue working. It will notify you when it is complete and you can close the window.

Reboot Windows At Least Once Per Week

Backup Your Data

Create an easy procedure to regularly back up your precious pictures, songs, documents, spreadsheets, accounting and tax files. Back Up Your Data at least weekly or whenever you have created or placed data on your hard drive that you absolutely do not want to lose. Use CDR, CDRW, DVD, DVDRW, Flash Drives or Mirrored or External Hard Drives to make sure you always have at least two copies of every file that matters to you on at least two media at all times. Please ask us if you would like assistance setting up your ideal backup system.

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Call or write us for help, then click the Remote Support button.
Dave Glantz
Office: (970) 879-8890
Cell: (970) 846-9931
445-2A Anglers Drive
(Above Fiesta Jalisco)
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
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